Thursday, December 11, 2008

My addiction... Pogo!!

So I am addicted to a game website. LOVE IT!!! My friend Toni got me addicted to it last June. I haven't missed a challenge yet. Yes I am a dork. I know this. Every Wednesday two new mandatory badge challenges come out one to three personal challenges are available as well.
This weeks mandatory challenges are:


Anubis' Badge
Win 25 rounds this week! to earn the badge

Word Whomp

Carrot-cicle Badge
Win 15 games IN A ROW this week! to earn the badge

Personal challenge (only one)... I chose from the 2007 book:

Word Craft
Professor Wordsworth's Badge
Correctly find 300 words on Medium difficulty! to earn the badge

I have already completed the Word Craft and Phlinx so far... Word Whomp to go. I'm going to have to have mom help me with that one. She is good at that game. :o)

Should you feel compelled to check out my addiction, let me know and I will send you a guest pass good for a week. You can find me as Teaseburger24.

Stay tuned for weekly updates on challenges!!!


Courtney said...

you and that stinkin' site...

Teaseburger said...

Oh you know you loved it too!!!