Monday, September 22, 2008

History 102 on 9/22/08

On Monday nights from 6:30pm to 9:30pm I am taking a History class at MJC.
Tonight in class I learned:

- The girl that is both my Economy Class and History class has the last name of Fiscalini and she can (and did) bring me fresh cheese curds(1). I LOVE CHEESE CURDS = I LOVE ELAINE FISCALINI.

(They taste better than they look)

- The guy with the flaming florescent green shirt is named Shane and he has a pogo account and a very sensitive boyfriend that wants one of them to be inseminated and carry their future children....

- I have not totally lost the ability to learn as I got 10/10 correct on our first quiz. Woot woot!!

- I have a lot of studying (3) to do to be ready for the first tri-term (2) next Monday.

- My extra credit paper (if you haven't read that already and REALLY want to know about it... leave me a message. I'll email it to you. HA!!!) and my research topic (oh I picked a good one!!!!) are due on Monday as well.

- Eating too many cheese curds in one sitting will give me a tummy ache.

It was a good class. Mr. McCoy is a really good teacher. Why am I still typing... I need to go study now...

(1.) The Fiscalinis own the Fiscalini Cheese Company in Modesto.

(2.) Tri-term is a word I came up with to more accurately describe the three 'mid-terms' the school requires of us in semester. To me, mid = in the middle and term = period of time i.e. the semester. If there are three mid-terms in a semester, that does not fit into my understanding of the word. So I changed the word to tri-term. And now it makes perfect sense to me.

(3.) The list of 'identifications' I have to know and write in class essays on for the first tri-term Monday:
- Homestead Act
- Andrew Carnegie
- Heratio Alger
- Frederick Jackson Turner
- Alfred Thayer Mahan
- Yellow Journalism
- Battleship Maine
- "New" Manifest Destiny
- Social Darwinism
- Rough Riders
- Carrie Nation
- Anti-Saloon League


Courtney said...

Um...hello...who helped invent the tri-term word...?

Random fact...My grandma played the piano for a recital in Carnegie Hall. So cool huh!

Teaseburger said...

We did. Together. Joint effort. LOL!! Okay. Maybe you did. ;p

Courtney said...

OMG! And see if your Fiscalini friend will bring you some 18 mo. or 30 mo. bandage wrapped cheddar... Talk about GOOD cheese!